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Physical Address: 203 Mission Avenue, Ste. 118, Cashmere, WA

Mailing Address: POB 2913, Leavenworth, WA 98826

Tel: 509-433-7079   Email:

Crisis Numbers and Resources

If you are experiencing an emergency or a crisis between sessions, please contact 911, go to your local emergency room, or call the Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) for your area. In Chelan/Douglas County, the DCR is contracted through Catholic Charities (their counseling is not religion-based), and can be contacted 24/7 at 800-852-2923.


The Designated Crisis Responder (DCR) for the King County Area, the DCR is contracted through the following numbers:

Crisis and Commitment Services: 206-263-9200

If you or a loved one is actively experiencing a behavioral health crisis, King County still recommends that you call the King County Regional Crisis Line at Crisis Connections at 206-461-3222 or 1-866-427-4747, or visit Crisis Connections is the best way to connect to local crisis response services


WALK-IN SERVICES: Columbia Valley Community Health at 600 Orondo Ave, Wenatchee also has a walk-in clinic staffed by mental health professionals during their weekday hours. You may also go to your local emergency room if you feel you may be danger to yourself or others.



You may choose to call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988.  Online Chatting is available through their website


The WA Warm line provides peer support for people living with emotional and mental health challenges. Call 877-500-9276 (WARM) daily 12:30-9 pm, or the crisis line at 866-427-4747.


LGTBQ+ youth may call or chat 24/7 with specially trained counselors at The Trevor Project. Call 866-488-7386, or visit to chat online.


Child abuse and neglect can be reported to 800-557-9671 if you are from Chelan/Douglas County. For report lines to other regions, check


For suspected elder abuse, call 877-734-6277. 


If you are a victim of Domestic Violence, you can call 800-799-7233, or visit the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence online at, where you can chat or text 24 hours a day. In Chelan County, you may call the SAGE crisis line at 509-663-7446 (24/7). Resources are available at WSCADV.ORG for teen violence, Native support, and the deaf. Please be aware that internet activity can be tracked and use a safe device.

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